March 17th, 2014


Why Beef Tallow?
Tallow was used for skincare before chemicals and petroleum byproducts were introduced into beauty products. Animal-based ingredients are typically associated with animal testing and therefore discounted as a viable alternative to skincare support. At Guérison, LLC, we ensure the purity (from grassfed cows) and organic standard of our tallow by purchasing it from US Wellness Meats. We believe that since skin is the largest organ of the body, it should be supported in the same way we nourish ourselves with whole foods. Why wouldn’t you feed your skin in the same way you feed your body. Tallow essentially mirrors the components of skin with 50 percent saturated fat. Skin cell membranes include 50 percent saturated fats to strengthen the skin. We include organic glycerin, a natural humectant that promotes moisture retention and coconut oil to protect the skin from free radicals. Finally, a touch of beeswax is added to help seal the cream into the skin.
Shelf life: This recipe is very shelf stable if you keep it sealed tightly. However, if you are not using it regularly please store it in the refrigerator.

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